Krishna Bharadwaj who played the innocent Pinakin in the show Jassuben Jayantilaal Joshi Ki Joint Family also played substantial roles in shows like in Sukh By Chance, R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya, Pia Basanti Re among others, will be back after four years with this Contiloe show.He is playing the titulae role of Tenali Rama
Krishna Bhardwaj in Tenali Rama
Krishna Bharadwaj said,“I am a loner and hardly have friends, but am a spiritual person. Playing Tenali is a life changing experience for me as I am experiencing a mood of constant happiness, naughtiness, and wit. I have fallen in love with myself more after donning this role. I have become a happier person. I could relate myself to the philosophies of Tenali, and added the needed flavour of fun and charm by connecting him to Lord Krishna. That’s how it has seamlessly gotten into me.”TV Serials
- Baa Bahu Aur Baby
- Jassuben Jayantilaal Joshi Ki Joint Family
- Sukh By Chance
- Pia Basanti
- R.K. Laxman Ki Duniya
- SAB TV’s Tenali Rama
Name | Krishna Bhardwaj |
Wife | ------------------ |
Eye Color | Black |
Colour | Gerua |
Age | ---------- |
Date of birth | 18 July |
Religion | Hindu |
Birth Place | ---------------- |
Language | Hindi,English |
Height | 5'8"(approx) |
Qualification | Graduation |
Upcoming Serial | Tenali Rama |
Debut Serial | Jassuben Jayantilaal Joshi Ki Joint Family |
Profession | Model, Actor |
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