Episode starts with Chandni stops Advay from eating the noodle on his shirtshe gets up and says shes written it 101 time and picks up the noodle from his hand with a tissue. When Advay sees the book and sees shes written all rhyming proverbs with his names like ASR ASR panchar kardoon iski car.
She runs away from there. When he goes behind her Advay sees Shakun seceretly going to meet someone. Advay tells Shilpa to keep an eye on her so that they find her weak spot and make her confess her input in the destruction. Advay is talking on the phone saying that he doesn’t want to vacate the guest house and he is coming there. The sisters are listning to him and understand that Advay is hiding something there. The plan to go to the guest house but tonight its Chandni’s function so they resort to go there now.
Chandni gets caught and tells him that she was just practicing for her photo shoot, he helps her get up. He shows her romancing poses with her and tells her that he can show more but after marriage. She blushes and he calls her cattu gilhairi. She runs away from him and clashes with PP. she goes inside to her sisters and they leave to go at the guest house but Indrani stops her and tells Meghna to help Kajol with packing the gifts, Shakun stops Shikha to get items from Mishra ji.
Chandni resorts to go alone but she remembers her past and closes her eyes and walks towards the door but comes across Advay, he asks where she’s going coz her future husband should know.
She tells him that she’ll only inform her future husband and calls PP, PP offers to drive her. PP tells Advay that now the fruit is in his basket without any efforts and tells him that today he’s going to see all of her. Chandni is scared and holds on to a stone on which Dev is written and Advay sees this as she leaves the house.
Precap: Chandni tries to find some clues to find out what Advay is upto. PP is waiting for Chandni in the bedroom. Chandni finds Devs picture in an envelope. Advya opens the door.
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