Anika (Surbhi Chandna) tells Shivaay (Nakuul Mehta) that she will never tell him the truth. Shivaay handcuffs her and says that he will not leave her until she tells him everything. The key falls from his coat by mistake as he leaves. Omkara tells Gauri that he has no feelings for her in his heart. He says she might put on an innocent face in front of his family but he knows who she is in reality. He tells her that Kaali Thakur’s wife died because of her. He accuses her of marrying Kaali Thakur for his wealth. He calls her names and tells her that he cannot forget her past just because she saved his life.
Bhavya folds her hands and requests Rudra not to come in between of her and her mission. Rudra sees Omkara making tea and asks him to make one cup for him,too. Omkara gets shocked and asks if he is fine. Rudra tells him not to ask him anything. Rudra sees Omkara putting sugar in his cup and asks him to put it in his cup,too. Omkara asks him if he is in his senses. They both discuss their problems and ask each other why did they get married.
Shivaay comes there and asks them not to lose hope. He tells them that he wants to prepare aloo-pudi for Anika. Rudra and Omkara get suprised. He tells them that this is the only way to make her confess everything as food is her weakness. He tells them that he knows that they are aware of the truth but they will not tell him. Omkara says that Anika had made them promise to her that they will keep it a secret. Shivaay gets more curious to know the truth.
Anika finds the key and frees herself. Shivaay mixes bhaang in Anika’s food. Rudra and Omkara get shocked. Shivaay tells them that this is the only way to make her speak. He puts a mark on the spiked food. Anika overhears their conversation and hand cuffs her hand herself. She asks Shivaay to free her, she promises to tell him the truth after that. He unlocks her hand and feels bad seeing all the red marks on her hand. Anika says these marks will go but the ones etched in her memory will never go.She asks her why did they have to seperate. Anika tells him that he didn’t trust her enough. He says the same thing and asks her why didn’t she share her problems with him.
Anika changes the topic and asks him about the food he has brought. He tells her that he has prepared food for her and asks her to have it. Anika asks him to bring water for her. He leaves. She exchanges the food plates. Shivaay returns. Anika praises the food and asks him to have some. Shivaay gets high and tells Anika that he had mixed bhaang in her food. She tells him that she knows. They start dancing insanely.
Shivaay suddenly pulls her towards him and shares a quiet moment with her. He asks her why did she leave him. Anika gets reminded of Pinky’s words. She tells him that she had to do it out of compulsion. Shivaay gets emotional and tells her that he was going to get married to her again and asks why did she do it.
Anika tells him that Pinky blackmailed her to leave him because she was going to reveal his life’s biggest truth to him. He asks her what did she want to tell him.Anika tells him that he won’t be able to handle it. He asks her to say it. She tells him that he is Shakti and Kamini’s son and not Pinky’s. She tells him that Maahi is his twin brother. He gets shell shocked.She tells him that Pinky knew this and she had threatened her to leave the house. He gets disheartened to know that he is an illegitimate child and cries. Anika consoles him. Shivaay asks her if this is the reason why she made him hate her. She says she can do anything for him. Shivaay says his happiness is with her. He asks her if she didn’t trust him enough. She says she got scared. She tells him that she didn’t want to seperate him from Pinky.
Shivaay gets tormented to realise that Pinky is not his mother and cries inconsolably. Anika calms him down. He asks if Omkara and Rudra know this. She tells him that they don’t care about all this because they love him anyway. Shivaay apologizes to her for not understanding her. Anika hugs him and asks him not to say sorry as she should have told him. She says she loves him a lot and tells him that she is with him in his fight and he is not alone. He sleeps off.
Next morning, Gauri tells Bhavya that Omkara has not been able to understand her inspite of spending so much time with her. She asks Bhavya what was in the video and why is it so important for her. Bhavya tells her that she won’t be able to explain it to her.Gauri says she will have to take the decision. Svetlana asks Jhanvi to come out. She refuses to come out and tells her that Tej is alive. Svetlana asks her to stop hallucinating and take rest. Rudra and Omkara get worried not to find Gauri and Bhavya in their rooms but decide not to call them. They get restless to meet them. They get shocked to not find their clothes in their respective cupboards. They call them but Gauri and Bhavya don’t pick up their calls.
Svetlana brings Jhanvi to a spa. She sees Tej over there and gets scared. Jhanvi tells her that Tej wants to kill her. Omkara bumps into Rudra. They ask each other if everything’s fine. They realize that Gauri and Bhavya have left the house.
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